Vespers (served on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday evening)
At typical psalms: After the 16 bows with Prayer of St. Ephrem, we begin vespers with Come let us worship.
Lord, I Call: 3 triodion + 3 saint*; glory and now, theotokion (or stavrotheotokion).
*On Wednesday of the 4th week (sung Tuesday evening) all 6 hymns are found in the triodion.
O Gladsome Light. 2 prokeimena and 2 readings (triodion)
Vouchsafe. Litany: Let us complete our evening…
Aposticha: triodion (idiomelon, sung 2x) + martyrs; glory and now, theotokion (or stavrotheotokion).
And the rest of the vespers according to the lenten order.