Certificate Program in Prison Ministry – Apply Now Through December 1

Applications are now officially open for the Certificate Program in Prison Ministry (Spring 2025 Cohort). Through the partnership of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) and St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (STOTS), you are invited to experience the most comprehensive training in Orthodox prison ministry offered in the United States.
Graduates of the Spring 2024 cohort are already beginning their local prison ministries. “This course was excellent,” says Nick Finzer. “My prison volunteer orientation and training is scheduled for October.” “I’ve just completed my first prison Bible study,” says Steve Stafford. “What a beautiful experience. I apply every bit of knowledge attained through the Certificate Program.”
Visit theocpm.org/certificate to learn more about how the Certificate Program in Prison Ministry can prepare you spiritually and practically to begin serving those incarcerated near you. Applications for the Spring 2025 Cohort will close December 1.
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) is an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States. For Orthodox Christians who have been arrested for crimes, OCPM helps them return to the Faith, offering forgiveness and reconciliation with Christ. For both Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike, OCPM provides spiritual care, enabling prisoners to find hope and purpose in their lives. For more information, please visit www.theocpm.org or follow them on Facebook and Instagram @theocpm.