Continuing Clergy Education for July Focused on Community-Minded Leadership
July 15, 2021
Community-Minded Leadership: Dare Great Things

Protodeacon Peter Danilchick, a frequently invited speaker on Christian Leadership , will hold his second class in our Clergy Continuing Education program this Thursday July 15 at 7:00PM ET. In the first session last month, he challenged us to “dare and do great things” with full faith in our Lord’s words: “The things that I do you shall do – and greater things than these shall you do” (John 14:12). The video of last month’s presentation is available here.
In this week’s class, Protodeacon Peter will lead us through the “how-to” of parish strategic planning in which we seek, in community, to discover and fulfill God’s will for our parishes and the people they serve. Practical recommendations for parish planning will be offered as well as examples of how some parishes have carried out their own strategic plans.
If you’ve ever thought of doing a strategic plan for your parish, here’s your chance to learn the fundamentals and make an informed decision on whether to use this well-practiced and highly-effective tool.
Your parish may be doing good things. But isn’t it time to once again hear the Lord’s words “Behold I make all things new” (Rev 21:5) and dare great things?
“The time is now.” (2 Cor 6:2).
Protodeacon Peter Danilchick is a deacon of 46 years of service to the Orthodox Church worldwide, a Trustee Emeritus of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Board Vice-Chair of the Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative, and a member of the Secretariat of the Assembly of Bishops. He is also a retired 30+ years international corporate executive. He holds a Doctorate of Humane Letters, honoris causa, from Saint Vladimir’s and is the author of Thy Will Be Done: Strategic Leadership, Planning, and Management for Christians.