FOCA Announces Upcoming Events

The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America [FOCA] recently released information on their upcoming events this year.
2019 National Summer Sports Tournament (Golf)
July 26-27, 2019 in Canonsburg, PA. More information on the golf tournament can be found on the FOCA’s website.
2019 Celebrations of Faith: “What does Jesus see when he looks at me?”
The FOCA is calling all Orthodox youth to celebrate their Orthodox faith and participate in the 2019 “Celebration of Faith” contest. The contest is open to all youth who are communicants in a parish or mission of a canonical Orthodox Church in North America. Youth are asked to create and submit art projects in the following areas: literature, musical Composition, photography, or the visual arts. The deadline for submissions is July 22, 2019. Click here for more information.
2019 National Junior Summer Sports Tournament (Junior Olympics) [NJSST]
The 2019 Camp season is rapidly approaching! This year’s NJSST dates are July 7-13, 2019. Registration is already full and further registrations are no longer being accepted. His Grace, Bishop Paul of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest will be joining the campers for three days during the week.
2019 National Convention
The 2019 National Convention will be held August 30 to September 3, 2019 in Columbus, OH. The National Convention is held annually to discuss business matters of the FOCA. Vespers, Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, and prayer services will be an integral part of the weekend event. Various social activities will be held in conjunction with the business meetings to encourage fellowship among members. Youth activities are also planned for junior participants. Click here for more information.
2019 FOCA Leadership Conference
The FOCA Leadership Conference will take place October 10-12, 2019, in Cleveland, OH. The two day workshop will be aimed at current and aspiring clergy and lay leaders within the Orthodox church and in secular business leadership roles. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be Christian Leaders and how Christian leadership means working together to discover and do the will of God. The keynote workshop will be supplemented by additional parish focused breakout sessions under the topics of Parish Council Effectiveness, Parish Future, and Engaging and Fostering Young Adults Leaders. Click here for more information on the conference.