Metropolitan Tikhon, Archbishop David to preside at Alaska’s 49th annual St. Herman Pilgrimage August 7-9

Hundreds of faithful are expected to participate in the 49th annual Saint Herman Pilgrimage to Spruce Island, home of North America’s first saint, August 7-9, 2019. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon and His Eminence, Archbishop David will concelebrate, together with clergy from across the Diocese of Alaska and beyond.
The pilgrimage will open on Wednesday evening, August 7, with the celebration of the Akathistos Hymn in honor of Saint Herman at Kodiak’s landmark Holy Resurrection Cathedral, in which his relics are enshrined. The annual Bishop’s Tea will follow.
On Thursday, August 8 — the Feast of Saint Jacob Netsvetov — the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at Kodiak’s Holy Resurrection Cathedral. A banquet and introduction of pilgrims will follow at the Afognak Native Corporation Hall. Vigil will be celebrated in the evening.
Boats will depart Kodiak for Monk’s Lagoon on Spruce Island early on the morning of Friday , August 9 — the Feast of Saint Herman. The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in the island’s Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam Chapel. The original log chapel was built in 1805, while the present structure dates to 1898. The chapel marks the burial site of Saint Herman. After the Liturgy, pilgrims will enjoy a picnic lunch on the beach before returning to Kodiak, where they will partake of a light dinner at Holy Resurrection Cathedral.
The pilgrimage schedule is subject to revision. Check the Diocese of Alaska’s web site for updates and additional information.
O Holy Father Herman of Alaska, pray unto God for us!