OCF accepting applications for 2019-2020 Student Leadership Board

Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF], the official campus ministry program of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, is currently accepting applications for its 2019-2020 Student Leadership Board [SLB].
Every year, OCF selects a team of talented students to take on leadership positions in Orthodox campus ministry. The SLB works with staff and clergy volunteers to plan and implement OCF’s programs, advise and inspire their peers on campuses, and develop new resources and programs for Orthodox college students.
Serving on the SLB offers students a unique opportunity to develop their leadership skills while growing in their faith and giving back to the Church. Current Student Leadership Board Chairman, Caroline Mellekas, encourages any student who has been impacted by OCF to consider applying. “If you feel affected by the mission of OCF and called to carry it through offering your own gifts, then this is what’s next for you,” she says.
As part of their training, SLB members will attend OCF’s Summer Leadership Institute free of charge! SLB members also will receive priority registration for College Conference and Real Break.
Recommendations for applicants and questions may be sent to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Applications are available online and are due by March 29, 2019.
The mission of OCF is to transform the lives of college students in the United States and Canada by guiding them along the path to Jesus Christ through His Church by cultivating a campus community of worship, witness, service, fellowship, and education. See related video.