Registration Opens for 10th Parish Development Forum in Parma OH

Registration is now open for the 2023 Parish Development Forum, to be held from 1:00 PM EDT on Thursday July 13 to noon on Saturday July 15. Host site for the Forum is Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Parma OH. The Forum is co-sponsored by the Orthodox Church in America’s Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania, the Diocese of the Midwest and the Bulgarian Diocese.

“This is the tenth consecutive Parish Development Forum and we are happy to return to an in-person format after conducting the Forum online for the past three years,” said Joseph Kormos, Forum co-chairperson and Parish Development Ministry Leader for the Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania. “The Parma Ohio location has excellent facilities and should be comfortably accessible for many parishes of the OCA and other Orthodox jurisdictions.”
Theme: Our Parish and the Future
Archpriest Steven Frase, clergy co-chair of the Forum noted, “The 2022 Forum theme is ‘Our Parish and the Future’ which was chosen to encourage parishes to focus on the importance of considering emerging challenges as the pandemic recedes. This Tenth Forum will depart from the standard presentation laden conference agenda. Attendees will collaborate on “The 2030 Project”—a set of structured, facilitated discussions designed to share experiences and identify the key behaviors, skills and ‘new muscles’ parishes will need to thrive amidst future societal, cultural, demographic and technological trends. The 2030 Project discussions will involve extended exploration of three emerging Issues: clergy-laity dynamics; attracting and integrating converts, and connecting your parish with the neighborhood.”
Pre-Forum Field Trip and Convert Survey
Attendees will also have the opportunity to enhance their forum experience by participating in an optional pre-forum field trip to Cleveland’s St. Herman’s House of Hospitality, a ministry of FOCUS (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve),” said Mr Kormos. “And, to gather fresh insight for Forum discussions, an online survey of recent converts to the Orthodox faith is also being undertaken. Orthodox converts interested in survey participation should send an email to
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to receive a survey link. The survey will close on May 19.”
Conference Registration – Early Bird Discount Available until June 22
Registration is open to clergy and laity from any Orthodox jurisdiction. An early bird registration discount of $75 per attendee is available until June 22. After June 22 the registration fee will be $150 per attendee. Attendees from sponsoring Dioceses will be eligible for a rebate of the early bird fee after attendance.
Registration must be done online and is available by clicking this link. Payment can be made by credit card or check. To maintain an intimate setting for thoughtful exchange among attendees, Forum attendance will be limited to 100 persons.
Hotel information
A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Extended Stay America, 6025 Jefferson Drive, Independence OH 44131. The group rate of $99 per night for a king room and $109 per night for a double room are also available until June 22, 2023. Information for hotel registration is available at the conference registration link.
Questions and enquiries may be directed to Mr. Kormos at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) with the subject “Forum Questions”.