Volunteers sought for Strategic Plan working groups
The Orthodox Church in America’s Strategic Planning Committee [SPC] is forming Church-wide working groups to formulate possible actions steps and milestones for each of the top goals in the draft Strategic Plan.
“One of the recurrent themes in the feedback to date on the Working Draft Strategic Plan is that the top level goals, while good, are not ‘concrete enough’ and do not answer the question, ‘What next?’” said Priest John Vitko, SPC chair. “Similarly, the Holy Synod of Bishops has called for ‘further elaboration on the goals for internal spiritual growth and outreach to others, rendering them more concrete and practical and, where appropriate, considering what the roles of the parishes, dioceses, and Central Church should be in realizing said goals.
[The “Working Draft of a Strategic Plan for the Orthodox Church in America,” prepared by the Strategic Planning Committee of the OCA’s Metropolitan Council, is available on-line in PDF format at www.oca.org/PDF/NEWS/2010/2010-0624-strategicplan-v4.6.pdf.]
These possible “action steps” and “milestones” are meant to be examples of how one might proceed to implement a goal, not requirements as to how one must proceed.
“They are meant to serve as ‘seed’ or ‘leaven’ for implementation discussions at the 16th All-American Council in November 2011,” Father John added. “It is anticipated that the action steps will be distributed throughout the parishes, dioceses, and the Central Church.”
Volunteers are being sought to serve on these working groups.
“The intent is to form the working groups by the end of December 2010 and for these groups to conduct and document their work by the end of February 2011, ‘getting together’ as necessary via internet and teleconferences,” Father John continued. “Each working group will typically have from four to 10 members and be comprised of nominees already working in their respective areas, as well as individuals with concern and energy who respond to a call for volunteers.”
Each working group will be responsible for developing a two-page summary of possible actions and timelines for accomplishing the goals in their specific area, with a February 28, 2011 deadline.
“The output from these Working Groups will be reviewed by the Strategic Planning Committee, the Metropolitan Council, and the Holy Synod of Bishops in March 2011 and, if approved, will be incorporated in the final version of the Strategic Plan, which will be distributed to the All-American Council delegates,” Father John added.
Those interested in serving on a working group are asked to contact the appropriate SPC liaison, as listed below, by December 20, 2010. It would be helpful for volunteers to provide some biographical information, indicating the reasons they would like to serve on this committee, and submit any ideas with regard to their specific area of interest.
Working groups and their appointed SPC liaisons are as follow.
- Parish Renewal/ Family and Community Formation—Dr. Dimitri Solodow, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
- Diocesan Revitalization/ Hierarchy-Clergy-Laity relationships—Eleana Silk, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
- Leadership/ Management Training for Clergy and Lay Leaders—David Grier, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
- Clergy and Lay Continuing Education—Protodeacon Peter Danilchick, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
- Evangelization/ Church Growth—Archpriest Eric Tosi, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
- Youth involvement/ Action—Priest John Vitko, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
- Inter-Seminary/ Theological Education—Archpriest Alexander Garklavs, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
- Contemporary Cultural/ Social/ Moral Issues—Archpriest Michael Oleksa, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
- Inter-Orthodox Relationships—Deacon John Zarras, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
- Stewardship/ Financing—Deacon John Zarras, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
“We hope and anticipate that many people will be willing to serve as members of these groups,” Father John concluded.
- For background on how the working groups will be organized, please access the OCA Strategic Plan Charter and Guidelines for Working Groups, posted in PDF format HERE.
- For background on the content of the topics to be considered by the groups, please access the OCA Strategic Plan Working Groups Top Level Goals, posted in PDF format HERE.