40th Anniversary of St. Tikhon’s Seminary Fall Lecture Series
This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the Fall Lecture Series sponsored by Saint Tikhon’s Seminary here.
The original intent of the Fall Lecture Series was to provide an educational forum for the faithful of local parish communities and to offer continuing education for area clergy. The series consisted of four Tuesday evening presentations at the seminary during the month of October.
To mark the 40th Anniversary of the lectures, this year’s presentations will be offered at a variety of locations throughout the region—in addition to the seminary campus—with the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Tikhon of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania and in cooperation with the diocese. This will increase the number of lectures and expand possibilities for participation by area clergy and faithful.
For a complete listing of the numerous lectures in this year’s anniversary series and their locations please visit doepa.org/news_100913_3.html.