Advisory from the OCA webmaster concerning links
A few people have expressed concerns that links to specific pages and sections of the new OCA web site have changed and are no longer accessible from their sites. This is to be expected in light of the complete reorganization of the OCA web site, and our web team cannot be responsible for other sites which have not updated their links to our new site.
Non-OCA sites with links to specific pages or sections on the OCA web site should change and redirect their broken links to the new pages on the OCA web site. This is especially so in cases in which links to pages or sections of the OCA web site were placed on other sites without informing the OCA webmaster and / or web team.
We thank everyone for their understanding in this matter, and also thank everyone for their support and feedback, and we invite all technical questions to be directed to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
Mr. John Mindala, OCA webmaster