Belgrade Theological Student Choir to sing at St. Vladimir’s Seminary

Belgrade Theological Student Choir to sing at St. Vladimir's SeminaryOn Friday, September 12, 2008 at 7:30 pm, the Belgrade Theological Student Choir will present a free public concert on the campus of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, featuring multi-part Russian Orthodox liturgical hymns and traditional Byzantine chant following the typikon of Mount Athos.

Students in the choir will be staying on the seminary campus from September 12 to 19, as “performers in residence,” cultivating cultural and academic fellowship between seminarians in the Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the University of Belgrade, and those at St Vladimir’s.

The Dean of the Serbian school, His Grace Dr. Irinej (Bulovic) formed the choir in 2007, selecting students who demonstrated, he said, “both love for the divine services and beauty of musical expression” at their own seminary chapel dedicated to Saint John the Theologian.

The choir consists of 16 students, who sing services and concerts in English as well as in Greek and Slavonic. They are currently touring the U.S. and will perform in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and Boston. During their visit, Nenad Milosevic, Professor of Liturgics at the Belgrade seminary, will accompany them. St. Mark Antiochian Orthodox and the Most Holy Theotokos Serbian Orthodox churches of California organized the tour. To learn more about the concert program and the choir’s other venues, visit

Although there is no charge for the concert, a goodwill offering will be taken at the conclusion, to benefit the students from Belgrade.