Fourth installment of OCA Young Adult “Wonder” blog explores relationships with other faith traditions
“Can We Coexist” with other faiths and how are we to approach and witness to other faith traditions is the theme of the fourth installment of the OCA’s young adult blog, “Wonder,” posted at on June 17, 2010.
Articles on the theme include “Orthodoxy, Relativism and Truth,” “Faith and the City: Coexisting with Those Around Us,” “Coexisting with Science,” “Wicca and Neo-Paganism,” and “Buddhism.”
Authors include Dr. Peter Bouteneff, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, NY; Ms. Alexis Boyd, Ph.D., a student in biotechnology at George Washington University; Ms. Clio Pavlantos, a Master of Divinity student at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary; and Father Brendan Pelphrey, Pastor of Saint George Greek Orthodox Church, Shreveport, LA.
“Wonder” was launched by the OCA’s Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry in February 2010 as a means of providing thought-provoking articles on topics touching young adults and college students and those who minister to this age group. The blog’s co-moderators are Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak and Andrew Boyd.
Readers are invited to submit articles, creative writing and artwork, poetry, photos, and videos for these and future installments. Suggested topics for subsequent installments are also welcome. Send all materials and comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
To subscribe to “Wonder,” log on to and click the “sign me up” link on the left of the page.