“Many Cultures, One Faith” theme of SVS Education Day
Archpriest Michael Oleksa will be the keynote speaker at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary annual Education Day October 2, 2010.
Father Michael will set the tone for the day’s theme, “Many Cultures, One Faith.” He will share insights gained in his 40 years of ministry in Alaska, where he has served as village priest, university professor, and consultant on intercultural relations and communications. He also has authored several books on Alaskan native cultures and history, including Alaskan Missionary Spirituality (SVS Press, 2010).
A 1969 graduate of Georgetown University, Father Michael earned his M. Div. at Saint Vladimir’s in 1973, and went on to complete his doctoral degree at the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Presov, Slovakia, with an emphasis in Alaska Native History during the Alaska-Russian period (1741-1867). He is recognized as an “Elder” by the Alaska Federation of Natives, a “Distinguished Public Servant” by the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska, and has been honored by the Alaska Sate Legislature and the National Governors Association.
The complete Education Day schedule, with includes the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, hands-on and how-to workshops, question-and-answer sessions with SVS faculty, entertainment by musical groups and dance troupes, and ethnic dishes and delicacies, will be posted shortly on the seminary web site at www.svots.edu.