New director named for Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministries
Subdeacon Luke Beecham |
SYOSSET, NY [OCA]—Subdeacon Luke Beecham, a member of the Diocese of the Midwest, has been appointed Director of the Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministries.
Subdeacon Luke brings 15 years of youth ministry experience to the position. A member of Saint Stephen the First Martyr Church, Crawfordsville, IN, where he serves as youth ministry co-director. He also has served as director of Saint John Camp for 12 years, and recently participated in the Pan-Orthodox youth and camp workers’ conference in Dallas, TX, hosted by the OCA. [See]
Subdeacon Luke and his wife Janna have been married for nine years. In addition to engaging in youth ministry, he is a musician and is employed in the field of computer tech support at Indiana University.
He may be contacted at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or by phone at 317-460-8574.