OCA Bulgarian Diocese concludes 44th Diocesan Conference
BURTON, MI [OCA Communications] — Clergy and lay representatives from parishes of The Orthodox Church in America’s Toledo-based Bulgarian Diocese held their 44th diocesan conference at Saint Nicholas Church here June 24-25, 2006.
His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill of Pittsburgh, Western Pennsylvania, and the Bulgarian Diocese, chaired the gathering.
The Very Rev. Raphael Biernacki, host pastor, and Deacon Robert James Royer of Saint Mary Magdalene Church, Fenton, MI, concelebrated the opening Divine Liturgy marking thefeast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.
Business sessions followed at the Wingate Hotel.
The assembled delegates reported on the life of diocesan parishes and offered suggestions for the diocese’s ongoing ministries. Outreach to the many new immigrants from Bulgaria who have arrived recently in the US and Canada also was discussed. Archbishop Kyrill reported on the overall life of the diocese, noting that he feels blessed to have such good and faithful co-workers.
Great Vespers was celebrated on Saturday evening, after which a festive banquet was held at at Walli’s Restaurant.
Archbishop Kyrill and the diocesan clergy concelebrated the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, June 25, marking the Feast of All Saints of North America. The choir, under the direction of John Joseph Tome, sang the liturgical responses with spirit and beauty, while the Very Rev. Andrew Moulton, rector of Saints Cyril and Methody Church, Granite City, IL delivered an inspiring sermon.
A brunch followed in the parish hall, affording delegates an opportunity to renew acquaintances and look forward to the 45th diocesan conference, slated to be hosted by Saints Cyril and Methody Church, Granite City, IL, in 2007.
The Bulgarian Diocese includes 19 parishes and missions and one monastery in the US and Canada. The years 2006 and 2007 mark the 30th anniversary of the diocese’s entrance into the Orthodox Church in America and the 42nd year of Archbishop Kyrill’s tenure as the diocese’s ruling hierarch.
Photo gallery of the 44th Bulgarian Diocesan Conference.