OCA participates in Church World Service Fall Board Meeting at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Mrs. Arlene Kallaur represented the Orthodox Church in America at the bi-annual board meeting of Church World Service [CWS] at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology here October 19-21, 2010.
Mrs. Kallaur, a member of the OCA’s Department of Christian Service and Humanitarian Aid, was among some 45 Orthodox Christian and Protestant board members who represent 36 communions. Archpriest Leonid Kishkovsky, the other OCA board member, was unable to attend. Other Orthodox participants included Priest Michael Kontogiorgis and Mr. John Paterakis, CWS’s First Vice Chairperson, both of whom represented the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
Archpriest Nicholas Triantafilou, Holy Cross President, warmly welcomed the board members, who enjoyed the beautiful campus and attended daily Vespers and Matins in the chapel and shared meals with the school’s students and staff.
Eradicating hunger world-wide, advocating for safe and clean water for all, helping rebuild the lives of victims who have suffered natural disasters or have been caught up in violent conflicts, and resettling refugees were foremost on the agenda.
“Board members learned that the US Government had cited Church World Service for its excellent work in resettling immigrants,” reported Mrs. Kallaur. “In 2010, CWS resettled 7,055 refugees, ten percent of the total number nationwide. Parishes across the US are among the major sponsors of these families and individuals.
“The number of assembled Gift of the Heart hygiene, school, and cleanup kits and layette sets rose dramatically during the past year, as did the response to the Blanket and Tools Program, which reaffirmed the ‘hands on’ participation in which people desire to be involved, in addition to offering financial gifts,” she added.
CROP Hunger Walks, held in some 2,000 communities nationwide, continue to provide a large source of CWS income.
“Twenty-five percent of the money gathered remains in the community to fund local relief,” Mrs. Kallaur noted. “For example, the OCA’s Holy Trinity parish in East Meadow, NY, spearheaded its first CROP Hunger Walk this year; they were joined by members of the greater community.”
Church World Service and International Orthodox Christian Charities [IOCC] often work in partnership on a number of relief and redevelopment projects worldwide.
For more information about Church World Service and/or to learn how individuals and parishes can get involved in its efforts, visit www.churchworldservice.org.
For more information about IOCC, visit www.iocc.org.