Overwhelming registration prompts St. Vladimir’s Seminary to offer second Diaconal Liturgical Practicum June 21-24
Intense liturgical training is the focus of an annual training program for deacons and diaconal candidates offered every year on the campus of St. Vladimir’s Seminary here, in conjunction with the Diaconal Vocations Program of the Orthodox Church in America.
Practical liturgical training will be supported by the daily celebration of the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical services by participants with seminary clergy. In addition to practicums, focused presentations by faculty members will augment the deacon’s understanding of his place in the liturgical life of the Church and his broader vocation as a symbol to the faithful of the diakonia of Christ our Lord. Instruction in public speaking and vocal technique will also be offered.
“The response to our first set of dates, June 14-17, has been truly exciting,” explained the Very Rev. Chad Hatfield, Chancellor of the Seminary. “We decided that we must offer a second opportunity for people to participate in this important program.” Registration is now open for the dates of June 21-24, 2009.
The Very Rev. John Behr, Dean of the Seminary, describes the purpose of this concentrated liturgical training for deacons and diaconal students. “Our former dean, Fr. Alexander Schmemann, taught us that everything in worship concerns us as the Church of God, makes us the living body of Christ, and concerns me, as a living member of that body,” he said. “The deacon’s prominent role in worship requires that he studies and learns the rubrics of the services. The training we provide offers just such an opportunity for learning.”
“The 4-day program will offer the same faculty and program as the first session,” noted Archdeacon Kirill Sokolov. In addition to Archdeacon Kirill, faculty members include the Revs. Alexander Rentel and Sergius Halvorsen. Participants are invited to arrive the afternoon of Sunday, June 21.
Further information, including the program, on-line registration, and travel information, is available on the seminary web site at a special event home page: http://www.svots.edu/2009diaconal.