Summit to explore ministries unique to urban settings
A second “Urban Parish Summit,” focusing on the
needs and challenges of parish ministry in the urban setting, will be held at Saint Gregory of Nyssa Church here Tuesday and Wednesday, July 26-27, 2011.
The summit will build upon a similar gathering held in Cleveland in 2009.
Sponsored by the Parish Health Ministry of the Diocese of the Midwest, the summit is open to all clergy and laity, regardless of diocese or jurisdiction, interested in learning more about effective urban ministry and outreach. Clergy and faithful “in the field,” especially those engaged in revitalizing older or declining communities, will have an opportunity to share their insights, models, and ideas. Archpriest Thomas Mueller, rector of Saints Cyril and Methodius Church, Milwaukee, WI, is developing the summit content.
The modest registration fee of $50 per person will cover materials and meals. While details on accommodations, airport shuttles, etc. will be available soon, those requesting additional information are invited to contact the summit coordinator, Mr. Joseph Kormos, at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 513-683-1911.