AAC youth registration deadline extended to April 15

As announced earlier, the 19th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, slated to convene in Saint Louis, MO July 23-27, 2018, will feature an exciting and inspiring program for children and youth ages five through 18.
The deadline for the early bird discounted youth registration rate of $200.00 is now available through April 15, according to Priest Benjamin Tucci, Youth Program Coordinator. After April 15, the rate will increase to $250.00, with a final registration deadline of May 4. Online registration is available.
“During the week-long program, participants will explore our Orthodox Faith, meet youth from across North America, and experience the sights and sounds of Saint Louis,” Father Benjamin said. “Each day, educational programs and workshop activities will explore the lives of the saints and the AAC theme, ‘For the Life of the World,’ with lessons in age appropriate groups. As at past AACs, youth participants will offer a brief presentation of their activities with AAC delegates and observers during a plenary session.”
Additional volunteers—especially adults with experience as lifeguards, chaperones and religious education instructors—are being sought to help facilitate the program. Prospective volunteers may register online.
Questions may be directed to Father Benjamin at 612-599-1125 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
A draft of the youth program also is available online.
Detailed information with regard to scholarships, transportation and fundraising ideas to offset AAC participation fees also is available.