Assembly of Bishops Blesses July 30th as “Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday”

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops has blessed July 30, 2023 to be “Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday,” the day for Orthodox parishes across the United States to learn more about the work of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), the national prison ministry of the Orthodox Church and an agency of the Assembly of Bishops.
For two decades, OCPM has served thousands of Orthodox and non-Orthodox prisoners across the United States through its longstanding correspondence ministry, catechetical program, and coaching Orthodox clergy and laity how to best visit and serve prisoners near them.
Today, the ministry continues to expand, assigning relationship managers to Orthodox men and women in prison to minister and assure each soul in prison has the opportunity to access clergy, the sacraments, and have a deep relationship with the Church, even after release.
Through all its ministry programs, OCPM ultimately aims to fulfill Christ’s command to visit Him in prison (Matthew 25:36). As a result, families are reunited, marriages are healed, and thousands of incarcerated men and women have a new sense of peace and restored order in their lives.
OCPM has published on its website a complete Implementation Package to help parishes celebrate this Sunday with bulletin inserts and a sample homily.
Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM) is the national prison ministry of the Orthodox Church and an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops. Our mission is to serve those who are incarcerated and their families, and provide resources, training and support to our ministry partners so that lives are transformed and God is glorified. For Orthodox Christians who have been arrested for crimes, OCPM helps them return to the Faith, offering forgiveness and reconciliation with Christ. For both Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike, OCPM provides spiritual care, enabling prisoners to find hope and purpose in their lives.