Assembly of Bishops releases two new resources

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America recently released two new resources.
The first is a map of all Orthodox bishops and parishes in the United States. The updated map shows the locations, names and jurisdictions of all active US bishops and the total number of parishes in each county across the country. The map is available on the Assembly of Bishops’ web site in PDF format.
Also available is a first-ever state-by-state directory of local and regional Orthodox clergy brotherhoods and associations and affiliated Pan-Orthodox lay organizations. Thirty-six local and regional clergy brotherhoods and nine lay organizations are included in directory, providing contact information and, if available, website and Facebook links. The directory is also available online in PDF format.
The map and directory were prepared by Alexei Krindatch, the Assembly’s Research Coordinator, who requests that information with regard to additional active brotherhoods and lay organizations be submitted for inclusion in future directories. He may be contacted at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).