Call for Proposals: New Icon of All Saints of America

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, in his primatial capacity, desires to commission a new icon of All Saints of America, and, accordingly, the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America is issuing this call for proposals. The Metropolitan Council of the Orthodox Church in America has made provision for the funding of this new icon.
Any proposal should at least include plans for the depiction of:
- In a central position, the Savior, flanked by his Mother and his Forerunner in a posture of supplication (deësis);
- All presently canonized saints of North America, including saints approved for local veneration in Alaska. A list will be provided.
This newly-commissioned icon will be widely reproduced and disseminated; thus, its composition should lend itself to easy intelligibility. Because this will be an icon for the whole Church, it should be executed in an accessible style whose iconographic qualities are easily recognizable. Both the depiction of individual saints and the composition of the icon should display a thorough cultural and historical sensitivity. In particular, the features, clothing, and attributes of the saints should authentically reflect their diverse cultures, ethnicities, localities, eras, and ecclesiastical orders and ranks.
Additionally, please note that the proposed icon must be finished by the end of this year, 2024.
Within these parameters, His Beatitude’s Office is happy to entertain a variety of proposals. A successful proposal will be subject to further discussion between the iconographer and the client; the iconographer is encouraged to collaborate actively in planning the final details of the composition to the satisfaction of the client.
In support of their proposals, iconographers are encouraged to submit additional materials—CVs with relevant professional information, portfolios, recommendations, and so forth.
Finally, proposals should also include a bid. The newly-commissioned icon will be large and complex, and bids should reflect this fact. An approximate size for the new icon is 2.5’ x 4’ or 4’ x 2.5’, though the exact size may of course vary depending on final compositional decisions.
Proposals should be sent to the Office of the Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Proposals are due by March 15, 2024.