DCE announces new resource, offers lenten activities and study unit
A new “Featured Handout,” titled “12 Questions and Answers: Notes on Orthodox Worship,” is now available on the web site of the Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Christian Education [DCE] at dce.oca.org/assets/files/resources/Orthodox-Worship.pdf.
“This handout gives brief answers to 12 commonly asked questions about words and practices that are part of our Church’s worship,” said Matushka Valerie Zahirsky, DCE chair. “It can be used to give to visitors, or in catechumenate classes, Bible studies, church school classes and adult education groups. We anticipate having the handout in pamphlet form for use in parish pamphlet racks in the near future.”
The DCE also offers a number of educational resources for Great Lent. Among them:
- “Activities for Great Lent”—features two different lenten activities for students in grades 2-3, 4-6, and 7-8, together with teacher pages that provide answers to questions and suggestions for further discussion.
- “Journey to Pascha”—is a six-lesson study unit that covers a number of Bible stories, icons, activities, and other resources. Separate units are available for ages 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-17, and 18-plus. Each lesson focuses on a different theme, beginning with the Resurrection of Lazarus and continuing through the days of Holy Week and Pascha.
These and the wealth of other educational resources that may be accessed at dce.oca.org are appropriate for classroom, small group, or individual use.