DCE bulletin inserts available for December Sundays

Downloadable bulletin inserts for each Sunday of December 2014, provided by the Department of Christian Education, are available at http://dce.oca.org/page/bulletins. The series complements the curriculum published by the Department of Christian Education of the Orthodox Church in America and other resources available at http://dce.oca.org.
Topics of the 500-word inserts for December include
- a review of a recent book on raising young children in the Orthodox faith;
- a theological explanation of the Feast of the Righteous Saint Anna’s Conception of the Mother of God;
- the story of Saint Eugenia of Rome, who went through great lengths to pursue her desire to live as a monastic; and
- the meaning of Jesus Christ’s cursing of the fig tree as related in Saint Mark’s Gospel.
An excellent five-part series of lessons, titled “The Nativity Season” and written for five different age levels, is also available.
Visit the DCE web site regularly for the latest in Christian Education resources for children, teens and adults.