DCE offers educational resources “from Pascha to Pentecost”—and beyond

The Department of Christian Education [DCE] of the Orthodox Church in America offers a variety of activities and resources for use after Pascha and into the summer months. And with Pascha just a few weeks away, now is the time to plan end-of-the-school-year and early summer lessons and programs.
Among the many seasonal resources available on the DCE and OCA web sites are
- My Lord and My God, which offers a presentation for Saint Thomas Sunday—April 15 this year.
- Pentecost Activities, which features a variety of end-of-the-school-year resources and craft projects.
- several downloadable activity books that can easily be adapted for use in vacation Church school, camp and other focused summer programs.
- a comprehensive guide to organizing Vacation Church School programs, titled New Life in the Summer.
Visit the DCE web site for a wealth of similar resources for all ages and levels.