December 16 webinar to explore campus ministries

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. EDT, the Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania will present a free webinar devoted to the whats, whys and hows of building a local campus ministry effort on the parish level.
“Few actions can ‘heat up a lukewarm parish’ better than reaching out to college students to help them find a worship ‘home away from home,’” said Joseph Kormos, Archdiocesan Parish Development Ministry leader. “The webinar, one of an ongoing ‘Building Vibrant Parishes’ series, will feature a panel of youth leader experts. It is specially geared to parish outreach ministry leaders, council members, and clergy.”
Topics to be explored include determining ways to find Orthodox college students, establishing a presence on campuses, impacting the parish through a vibrant campus ministry, and building sustainable links between parishes and area colleges and universities.
Other speakers, in addition to Mr. Kormos, include Priest John Diamantis, Rector of Saint Vladimir Church, Trenton, NJ, Regional Chaplain of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF] for the Northeast US, and Chair of the College Ministry Department of the OCA Diocese of New York and New Jersey; Deacon Alexander Cadman of Holy Trinity Church, State College, PA, who also serves as Orthodox Chaplain at Penn State University and represents the OCA on the OCF Board of Directors; and Andrew Boyd, OCA Youth Director and former President of the University of Connecticut OCF.
For additional information or to register, please visit