FOCA’s 95th National Convention to be held July 15-17, 2022 in Baltimore, MD

The 95th Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) will be hosted this year at the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore, MD from July 15-18, 2022.
The FOCA Convention brings together the membership of its districts to discuss and make decisions for the future direction of the fellowship. Orthodox Christians who share FOCA’s mission to witness to the Orthodox Christian faith through service and fellowship are invited to join and participate in the events this July.
Convention activities include a welcome party on Friday, a tour of Baltimore and visit to the National Aquarium on Saturday. On Sunday there will be a banquet following the Divine Liturgy and a visit to the Baltimore and Ohio Railway Museum. A ticket ordering form for these events is available at their website. The deadline to purchase tickets is July 1, 2022.
Advertisements and listings for the Convention Commemorative Book are now also being accepted. Several options are available to advertisers ranging from $150.00 for a full page ad to $60.00 for an eighth of a page. Listings for benefactors and patrons are also available for purchase for $40.00 and $20.00. Further information and the order form for advertisements are available on their website. The deadline for ads and listings is July 1, 2022.
Questions and additional information may be directed to Deacon Peter Ilchuk at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address); (516) 815-8890.
To find out more about FOCA, its mission, and how you can become a member please visit their website.