Fourth Consecutive Loss Control Bonus for OCA Group Affiliated Program

Recently, the Herzak’s – Michael (Mickey) and his two sons Mike Jr. and Dan – of Insurance Systems Group, Inc., along with GuideOne Insurance representatives presented a check in the amount of $41,965.00 to His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon which will be returned to participating parishes. As in prior years, this check is the result of the GAP Rewards, a special Loss Control Benefit within the Orthodox Church in America’s Group Affiliated Program [GAP], which signifies group profitability.
Incredibly, for four consecutive years, the OCA Group Program GAP Rewards Loss Control Bonus totals $156,748.00.
“This voluntary program, offered through Insurance Systems Group, Inc. with GuideOne Insurance Company, was established to assist the OCA in 2006 to offer special insurance benefits to participating OCA parishes, institutions and organizations,” explained Mickey. “Among many other benefits, it provides the GAP Rewards, a Loss Control Bonus for reduced claims within the group. When participating churches work together to prevent and reduce losses, they can earn this bonus.”
This is the fifth time since its inception a Loss Control bonus has been earned. In total, the OCA Loss Control Bonus has returned nearly $165,000.00.
“The continued excellence of the OCA Group Program is really spectacular,” added Dan. “It just confirms what we promote: there is power in numbers.”
The GAP Program also includes coverage enhancements that give 25% more property coverage subject to a $1,000,000.00 maximum at no additional charge—unique coverage for iconography, Sexual Misconduct Liability, Directors and Officers (trustees) Liability, Religious Expressions Liability, and more.
GuideOne Insurance of West Des Moines, IA, is the one of the largest underwriters of churches and related institutions in the country.
Insurance Systems Group, Inc. is a premier broker of property and casualty insurance to Orthodox churches of all jurisdictions in the US. The Herzaks are unique in that they are Orthodox Christians who understand both the distinctive attributes of Orthodox churches and the coverage ramifications of insurance. They may be contacted at 800-860-3075 or online.