His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon’s Article Now Available in St. Vladimir’s Seminary Quarterly

The latest issue of the Saint Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly (66.1–2/2022) is published at a moment when the largest portion of the worldwide Orthodox Church finds itself in a deeply scandalous and sinful state of internal war which constitutes the gravest intra-Orthodox crisis in many centuries.
It is only natural, therefore, that the editorial and several essays—one of them penned by His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon – are reflecting on the ecclesiological, moral, and pastoral aspects of this crisis. Scholarly articles discuss Origen’s theory of epinoiai (M. Miller), the overlooked contribution of St Maximus’ Ep. 15 to Neo-Chalcedonian Christology (Rev. Dr C. Berger), the eucharistic doctrine of Father Dumitru Stăniloae (M. Portaru), and the Orthodox reception of Odo Casel’s Mysterienlehre (J. van Rossum). We are also publishing the text of the Schmemann Lecture, delivered by the Rev. Dr Khaled Anatolios at St Vladimir’s Seminary in January 2022.
The volume ends with reviews of the following books: D. Caner, Wandering, Begging Monks: Spiritual Authority and the Promotion of Monasticism in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 2002 ); T. Vivian, M. Mikhail, A. Athanassakis, R. Kitchen, R. Greer, The Life of Bishoi: The Greek, Arabic, Syriac, and Ethiopic Lives (The American University in Cairo Press, 2022); T. Obolevich, Semion Frank, Lev Karsavin i evraziitsy [Semyon Frank, Lev Karsavin, and Eurasians] (Modest Kolerov, 2020); Z. A. Brzozowska, M. J. Leszka, and T. Wolińska, Muhammad and the Origin of Islam in the Byzantine-Slavic Literary Context: A Bibliographical History (Łódź University Press, 2020); Wadid El Macari, La balance du cœur: un substrat égyptien aux homélies macariennes (LIT Verlag, 2022); Arabic Christianity between the Ottoman Levant and Eastern Europe (ed. I. Feodorov, B. Heyberger, and S. Noble; Brill, 2021).