Holy Synod blesses second annual Mission School August 22-26

During their recent Spring Session, the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America gave their blessing for the second annual Mission School, slated to be held August 22-26, 2016 at a location yet to be announced.
“Fully funded through a bequest to the OCA for use in the areas of mission and evangelism, this year’s Mission School once again will involve one clergyman and one lay person selected by each diocesan bishop,” said Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary and Mission School facilitator. “The curriculum and instructors will build on the success of last year’s event.”
In addition to Father Eric, instructors will include Archpriests Chad Hatfield, Timothy Hojnicki, Daniel Kovalak, John Pierce, John Reeves, David Rucker, and Steven Voytovich; Priest John Parker III; and others.
The Mission School will feature a comprehensive introduction to a wide variety of disciplines, including the Theology of Mission and Evangelism, Building Community, Stewardship and Finance, Catechism and Education Programs, Revitalization Efforts, and practical hand-on exercises culminating in the development of specific action plans.
“A ‘multiplier effect’ was evident after last year’s Mission School as participants took home all that they had learned throughout the week and shared it with others in their respective communities, dioceses and regions,” Father Eric added. “This year’s program will double the number of individuals ‘in the field’ who have received intense training in outreach and evangelization ministries.”