In The News: Georgia, Colorado, PA, New Jersey
Atlanta, GA: “Connect Orthodoxy” Young Adult Conference aims to keep Millennials in the Church

Registration is filling up quickly for the second annual “Connect Orthodoxy” Young Adult Conference, slated to be held in Atlanta, GA over the weekend of October 5-7, 2018. With only two months before registration closes, Orthodox Christian young adults from more than 20 US states and two Canadian provinces have already made their travel plans for the weekend event. Online registration is now available.
Connect is a grass-roots initiative aimed at providing young adults ages 21 through 39 with an avenue to form deeper relationships with Christ, the Church and each other. Through keynote addresses, breakout sessions and opportunities for fellowship in service and social settings led by pan-Orthodox leaders, attendees are surrounded by opportunities to learn more about themselves and Orthodox Christianity.
“The young adult and young professional period is a critical time in life,” said Connect Communications Coordinator Callie Corley. “We’re starting careers, forming families and finding our sense of self and purpose. Connect is just one opportunity for God to work within us.”
The conference theme—‘Understanding Our Purpose”—will be developed by a number of well-known Orthodox Christian speakers, including Archpriest Stephen Freeman, Pastor of Saint Anne Church [OCA], Oak Ridge, TN; Archpriest David and Rozanne Rucker, Mission Specialists with the Orthodox Christian Mission Center and Saint Herman’s Seminary [OCA], Kodiak, AK; Priest Patrick Cardine, Pastor of Saint Patrick Antiochian Orthodox Church, Bealeton, VA; Deacon Stephen Muse, Director of Counselor Training and the Clergy-in-Kairos Program for the Pastoral Institute, Inc., Columbus, GA; Dr. Kyriaki FitzGerald, Adjunct Professor of Theology at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA; Jamil Samara, Director of the Department of Internet Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; and Scott Davenport, former Regional Business Development Manager for Island Def Jam and Geffen Records and parish council member at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Atlanta, GA.
The event will be held at the Sheraton Atlanta in the heart of the city. Registration is $210.00 until September 1 and $230.00 thereafter. Once registered, attendees have access to discounted hotel room rates.
Denver, CO: Protodeacon Peter Danilchick to address Orthodox Young Professionals Conference

The Orthodox Church in America’s Protodeacon Peter Danilchick will be among the speakers at this year’s Orthodox Young Professionals Conference sponsored by the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America in Denver, CO August 16-19, 2018.
The pan-Orthodox gathering will benefit hundreds of young adults as they gather for four days of powerful discussions, dynamic speakers, spiritual edification including divine services, and fun social events.
South Canaan, PA: St. Tikhon’s Seminary to hold third annual Alumni Retreat August 30-31

Archpriest John Parker, newly appointed Dean of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary [STOTS], South Canaan, PA and Archpriest Andrew Stephen Damick will lead the third annual Alumni Retreat on the seminary campus Thursday and Friday, August 30-31, 2018.
The gathering affords STOTS graduates an opportunity to attend seminars, interact with alumni and current seminarians, participate in the liturgical cycle and earn five Continuing Education credits. The Alumni Association annual meeting and elections will be held in conjunction with the retreat.
Father Andrew will offer a presentation titled “Engaging with the Non-Orthodox: Reflections with Notes from the Church Fathers,” while Father John will speak on “Radechesis: A Radical Return to the Roots of Catechism.” Both presentations will focus on improving how to employ and sustain evangelistic efforts.
“What better way for us to boost our spiritual lives and bring it back to our parishes and places of ministry than to bring ourselves back to where it all began for us,” said Priest Patrick Burns, Alumni Association President.
“As the new dean, I am honored that the alumni have asked me to speak at this year’s retreat,” added Father John. “I look forward to this as an opportunity to become more acquainted with the previous generations and of those yet to come of STS grads.”
Those unable to attend in person may register to view the seminars and participate in the annual meeting online. There is no cost to register, but donations are appreciated. Donation checks can be made payable to “St. Tikhon’s Seminary” and may be sent to Fr. Patrick Burns at 59 Clifton Ave Ansonia, CT 06401-2203. Online registration is now available.
For enquiries or to register by phone please contact Marshall Goodge at 570-561-1818, ext. 777;
Rahway, NJ: Holy Trinity Parish honors area first responders

In conjunction with the recent celebration of the Feast of the Prophet Elijah, Priest Theodore Gregory and the faithful of Holy Trinity Church invited Rahway’s first responders to have their vehicle blessed.

“We began with a short prayer service in the front of the church, followed by the blessing of fire trucks, police cars, ambulance, and parish vehicles,” said Father Theodore. “We then anointed everyone with oil from the tomb of Christ, sang ‘Memory Eternal’ for those who lost their lives in our service, and sang ‘Many Years’ to those on active duty.”
Lunch was graciously provided by two local restaurants and served in the parish fellowship room.
“The First Responders have asked that we consider moving the event to September so that more men and women may attend,” Father Theodore added. “Their appreciation was humbling, and the fellowship was priceless!”