Make donations to charity on-line

The Charity Committee of the Metropolitan Council has made available a new donation page to expedite contributions to the Orthodox Church in America for charitable purposes. A direct link to the page is now available on the OCA home page.
“The Charity Committee has limited funds to assist in charitable requests after local and diocesan efforts have been utilized,” explained Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary. “All funds raised by the committee will be used solely for charitable purposes. There are various options on how to contribute to the fund.”
The funds are managed by a committee comprised of Metropolitan Council members who have experience with and expertise in managing charitable funds.
“All requests must come through the committee and are kept confidential,” Father Eric continued. “Guidelines for Charity Appeal Disbursements are available on-line. The Metropolitan Council reviews the disbursements at its regular working sessions every fall and spring.”
For further assistance or additional information about how you can help OCA Charity, please contact Archpriest John Jillions at 516-922-0550 ext. 130 or the Chairman of OCA Charity Committee at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).