Metropolitan Council meets for its Regular Fall 2024 Session

Met council

On October 9-11, 2024, the Metropolitan Council of the Orthodox Church in America met for its Regular Fall 2024 Session in Springfield, VA, under the presidency of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon.

On Wednesday, October 9, the feast of the glorification of Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Enlightener of North America, His Beatitude presided at the Divine Liturgy at Saint Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Washington, DC. Concelebrating with His Beatitude on his name day were Archpriest Alexander Rentel, Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, Archpriest Alessandro Margheritino, Secretary of the Orthodox Church in America, and two members of the Metropolitan Council, Archpriest Lawrence Margitich and Archpriest Justin Patterson. Father Justin offered the homily in which he talked about the ministry of Saint Tikhon.

Following a brunch after the Divine Liturgy, the Metropolitan Council moved to the Hilton Springfield to begin its meetings.

Metropolitan Tikhon began the Fall Session with a prayer, greeted the Council members, welcomed the new members, and expressed gratitude to those whose terms will be ending in the upcoming weeks.

The Council conducted general business reviewing and discussing various reports. The Council heard a report from His Beatitude, who reported on his primatial activities, events of church-wide significance, his work with stavropegial institutions, international travel, his archpastoral work in the Archdiocese of Washington, and the relocation of the Chancery office. In light of his call for reflection for the upcoming 21st All-American Council, His Beatitude offered some of his own considerations on the current moment in the life of the Orthodox Church in America.

Archpriest Alexander Rentel presented his report highlighting his various activities, the work of the Chancery, and other domestic business. Father Alexander also reported on some of his recent domestic and international trips. Additionally, he mentioned that the final steps in the Chancery relocation must be undertaken as soon as possible and, on that note, he plans to move to greater DC by January 2025.

Archpriest Alessandro Margheritino highlighted some of the sections of his report where he reflected on the everyday operation at the Chancery in Virginia, and shared some of his considerations on the necessary steps for the gradual integration of the Chancery within the territory of the Archdiocese of Washington. He also reported on the work of the Preconciliar Commission and the ongoing planning of the 21st All-American Council. Father Alessandro gave an update on the Archives of the Orthodox Church in America, now housed at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary in Yonkers, NY, and the preparation of Westwood for its upcoming closing and sale.

The Property Committee informed the Council about the progress of the Westwood sale, noting that the approval processes following the signing of the purchase agreement several months ago are proceeding as expected. Barring any unforeseen complications, the closing is anticipated to occur by the end of 2025.

On Thursday, Pension Board members Archpriest John Dresko, Ms. Melanie Ringa, and Pension Administrator Mr. Michael Stieglitz presented the Pension Board report, providing the Council with updates on Pension Plan membership, compliance status, and investment performance. Additionally, the Pension Committee of the Metropolitan Council presented its own report.

The Council then welcomed Archpriest Thomas Soroka, Project Manager for the OCA Departments, who provided an update on the work of the various Departments of the Church. He also presented an update on the discussion of the ad hoc committee to explore potential expansions of the Church Planting Grants Program. Following this, the Council voted on the recipients for the second and third years of the program, whose names have now been submitted to the Holy Synod for confirmation.

The Council then heard a presentation by representatives of Insurance Systems of Independence, OH—the insurance broker that supports the Orthodox Church in America’s Central Administration on its various insurance needs. The presentation was on a new and voluntary term life insurance program to be offered to all clergy and lay employees of the Church. The Council voted to endorse its presentation to the Holy Synod at its upcoming Fall Session in November. More information will be shared in due course.

The Council then received a presentation from a representative of Satty, Levine, & Ciacco, CPAs, who provided a detailed overview of the recent audit. The presentation covered the audit’s key findings and financial statements, noting the healthy financial state of the Church. The representative also addressed questions from Council members.

Archpriest Nicholas Solak, chair of the Office of Pastoral Life and a member of the Metropolitan Council, presented his report on the various programs managed by the Office. He particularly emphasized the programs now available as a result of two significant grants awarded by the Lilly Foundation. Father Nicholas also presented a plan for the expansion of the Office of Pastoral Life in light of the continuous growth of the programs. The plan was endorsed by the Council and it is now submitted to the Holy Synod for consideration.

The Council then received a report from Mr. Andrew Smith, Treasurer of the Orthodox Church in America, who provided an overview of the Church’s finances and investments. Following his presentation, Mr. Smith, on behalf of the Finance and Investments Committee, proposed the 2025 Budget, which was subsequently approved by the Council. He also updated the diocesan assessments for the upcoming 21st AAC. The Council then approved the AAC Budget as well.

Mark Hamilton, General Counsel of the Orthodox Church in America, joined the meeting via Zoom on Friday morning and offered the Legal Report in executive session.

The Council then engaged in a discussion prompted by Metropolitan Tikhon’s call for reflection on the Church’s current state, focusing on both the opportunities and challenges the Church faces.

At the end of three productive days, His Beatitude thanked the Council for its positive and profitable work and closed the meeting with prayer.

Minutes and reports from the Regular Fall 2024 Session of the Metropolitan Council will be posted on the OCA website as they become available.

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