Metropolitan Tikhon issues 2017 Paschal Message [UPDATED]
The Archpastoral Message of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon marking the Great and Holy Pascha is now available. The full text appears below and is available in PDF format. Translations of Metropolitan Tikhon’s Paschal Message are available in the following languages:
The Archpastoral Message of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon
on the Great and Holy Pascha 2017
To the Venerable Hierarchs, Reverend Clergy, Monastics, Distinguished Stewards, and the entire family of the Orthodox Church in America:

The radiant day of the Resurrection of Christ has dawned and our Paschal celebrations have bathed us in the glorious light of renewal and regeneration. Today is a completely new day, a day which began when the divine brilliance pierced and dispelled the darkness of Hades and ended with the remarkable explosion which took place when Eternal Life crushed death and corruption.
On this new and bright day, our faith is renewed along with that of the Myrrhbearing Women standing by the open tomb; our hope is confirmed along with that of the Apostles on the road to Emmaus; and our love is strengthened along with that of the Mother of God who remained ever at the side of her Son. Even if we count ourselves among the numbers of those who previously denied or deserted the crucified Lord, such hesitation or shame cannot withstand the force of the new life of this day.
We know too well that there is no human being who lives and yet does not sin, and the consequences of the Fall are reflected in a world overshadowed by war, terrorism, and human misery. Nevertheless, this dark reality loses its hold on us today because we have tasted of the new drink from the fountain of incorruption which fills us with spiritual courage and divine hope.
This courage and hope are not simply fleeting emotions of the moment but rather an experience of the life of the risen Lord Who fills our hearts with such joy that every day and every moment of our existence we can sing paschal hymns such as this:
How divine! How beloved!
How sweet is Thy voice, O Christ!
For Thou hast faithfully promised to be with us
To the end of the world.
Having this as our anchor of hope,
We the faithful rejoice.
With my archpastoral blessing and love in the Risen Lord,
+ Tikhon
Archbishop of Washington
Metropoiltan of All America and Canada