Metropolitan Tikhon’s words of condolence on the repose of Archimandrite Roman

In a letter dated May 1, 2015, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon expressed condolences to His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel and the faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate on the repose of the newly departed Archimandrite Roman [Braga].
Archimandrite Roman fell asleep in the Lord on Tuesday, April 28, while his funeral and interment took place on Friday, May 1. A detailed biography and other information may be accessed here.
Words of Condolence on the Repose of Archimandrite Roman [Braga]
May 1, 2015
No. 05/001
Your Eminence, Reverend Mother Gabriella and sisters of the Holy Monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God, Venerable Clergy, Monastics and faithful of the Romanian Episcopate,
Christ is Risen!
It is with the light of Our Lord’s Resurrection still burning bright that we express our sincere condolences on the falling asleep of our brother and father, the ever-memorable Archimandrite Roman. May Christ, the vanquisher of death, grant our brother rest and the joy of His Kingdom.
The life of Archimandrite Roman is the tale of an athlete of Christ. From early training as a child standing faithfully by his mother’s side during lengthy monastic services, through his formal training at seminary and his academic pursuits at the Theological Institute in Bucharest; imprisonment, torture and finally to a life of pastoral and spiritual ministry in Romania and the United States, Archimandrite Roman displayed the endurance, discipline, dedication and love for Christ and His Cross that inspired and will continue to inspire faithful to strive for the imperishable wreath which is the Kingdom of God.
Tomorrow evening at Vespers for the Sunday of the Paralytic we will sing, “All has been enlightened by Thy Resurrection, O Lord. Paradise has been opened again. All creation, praising Thee, always offers Thee a song.”
There is no better illustration of our thoughts today as we recall the life of Archimandrite Roman. Through the creation of choirs, and translating and setting liturgical music, Archimandrite Roman continually offered his life as a song to our Lord. It was a song offered in praise of our Lord that carried Archimandrite Roman through unprecedented challenges, and gave him the strength to comfort, love, and bring to Christ all those around him.
Please be assured of our prayers for Archimandrite Roman’s repose, as well as for the consolation all those who love him. And let us together, “…cry out unto the Immortal King: O Lord, count worthy of Thine eternal good things him that has been taken from us, giving him rest in Thy blessedness that grows not old” [Saint John of Damascus].
Yours in Our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
+ Tikhon
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada