Minneapolis Cathedral Choir releases new Christmas CD

Saint Mary’s Cathedral Choir is pleased to announce the release of its new recording featuring selections of hymns and carols celebrating the Great Feast of our Lord’s Nativity.
The nearly 60-minute disc includes settings of many popular favorites from the Nativity services celebrated in the Orthodox Church, along with some hymns never before recorded in English. According to Deacon Gregory Ealy, the Cathedral’s Music Director, “this recording does something other Christmas recordings have not attempted. It presents Orthodox hymnography from the liturgical year that foreshadows and prepares the Church for the incarnation of Christ.”
The disc includes hymns from the feasts of the Annunciation, Saint Andrew and Saint Nicholas and selections of prefestal chants. Tracks are also included from the festal Vigil and Divine Liturgy, including the troparion (cathedral chant), kontakion (Bortniansky) and communion hymn (Carpatho-Russian chant).
“In a very real way, this recording takes the listener on a liturgical journey from the Annunciation to Christmas by way of the Church’s hymnography,” Deacon Gregory said.
The disc also features a variety of carols – many familiar to those of Slavic ancestry – and concludes with four carols written by American Orthodox composers, reflecting the beauty and richness of Orthodox Christianity in 21st century North America.
According to Dr. Vladimir Morosan of Musica Russica, “this enjoyable CD is a marvelous documentary of the venerable traditions of Saint Mary’s Choir, one of the longest-standing Orthodox church choirs in North America.”
The choir is celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2016, and the recording is the newest in a long line of recordings and public performances from the 70-plus member mixed ensemble. The choir’s men’s chorale recently presented a benefit concert for Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, and the full choir will be presenting its annual Advent concert at the cathedral at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 10, 2016. The concert is free and open to the public.
A sampler of the CD is available along with a link to purchase the disc for $18.00 plus shipping and handling. Bookstore discounts are available by emailing .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for a promo code.