MW Diocese to host fourth annual St. Macrina Conference August 11-12

The Diocese of the Midwest’s catechist and diaconal vocations program, the Saint Macrina Institute, will hold its fourth annual conference at the Saint Iakovos Retreat Center, Kansasville, WI August 11-12, 2017.
The conference theme—“The ‘Wedding Feast:’ Diakonia and the Celebration of Life in Union”—will be introduced by Hieromonk Alexii [Altschul], who will explore how sacramental life, mission and ministry work in marriage and the Church as the living image of a joyous wedding, calling all to union with God.
Other conference instructors will include Dr. Justin Jackson, Presvytera Rebecca Luft, Archpriest Elijah Mueller, Anna Strelka, Dr. Helen Theodoropoulos and others.
In addition to a variety of talks and diaconal and catechetical practicums, diaconal candidates will have the opportunity to meet with His Grace, Bishop Paul of Chicago, according to Father Elijah, who oversees the program.
Registration forms are available on-line. The $190.00 per person registration fee includes all lodging and meals, instruction and conference materials. Registration for commuters is $120.00. In cases of financial hardship, please contact Father Elijah at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address); 312-714-9775.