“My Friends in the Faith” theme of FOCA Junior Department Logo Design Contest
“My Friends in The Faith” has been selected as the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America’s Junior Department theme for 2012 and will be used to link junior events and initiatives for the upcoming year.
To start the ball rolling, the Junior FOCA is holding a logo design contest for our 2012 theme. The winning logo will be used throughout the year to create instant visual identification of our organization and our initiatives. All Orthodox Christian youth under 18 years of age, who are communicants of a parish or mission of a canonical Orthodox Church in North America, are invited to submit original logo designs for consideration. A well-designed logo creates an identity, conveys values, improves image and motivates action. The winning logo design will appear on the Junior Page of the FOCA web site, as well as Junior Department correspondence and promotional materials.
Entries, which must be the original work of each entrant, may not exceed 8.5 x 11 inches. They must be able to scale to any size without compromising quality. No part of the designs may be protected by copyright laws. They will be judged on their effectiveness in conveying the theme with clarity, uniqueness, memorability, and attractiveness.
Entries must be submitted to Laura Johnson, 10-05 Berdan Ave., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410, or sent by e-mail to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) no later than February 29, 2012. Each entrant is asked to include his or her name, age, address, phone number, e-mail address, and parish information.
Established in 1927 as the Federated Russian Orthodox Clubs to unite Orthodox Christians in faith, fellowship and service, the FOCA petitioned the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America to be officially recognized by the OCA. At its 1998 national convention, the organization adopted its present name. It maintains chapters in dozens of parishes across the country.
For additional information on the FOCA and its activities and ministries, please visit www.orthodoxfellowship.org.