New edition of “Wonder” blog focuses on vocations

“Sharing Your Blessings: Reflections on Vocation” is the theme of the latest edition of “Wonder,” the Orthodox Church in America’s young adult blog available at Authors and contributors reflected on realizing their christian vocation in the midst of their daily lives.
Articles include “Freely did you Receive, Freely Give” by Protodeacon Peter Danilchick, who speaks of his ordained vocation in the context of a career as an executive. This edition also includes two interviews, one on sharing the blessings in a vocation of elder care and another on the struggles of discerning God’s will in choosing a college major and a career. Finally, Andrew Boyd, OCA Youth Director, reflects on our vocation in the public sphere.
“Wonder,” an on-line publication of the OCA’s Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry, provides thought-provoking articles geared toward young adults and college students and those who minister to them.
The next issue of “Wonder” will focus on the Holy Spirit. Readers are invited to submit articles, creative writing and artwork, poetry, photos, and videos for future installments. Suggested topics are always welcome. Send all materials and comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
To subscribe to “Wonder,” log on to and click the “sign me up” link on the left side of the page.