New Resource Handbook installment focuses on parish prison ministry
“A Parish Prison Ministry” by Father Demetrius Nicoloudakis is the latest article to be added to the Community Service section of the OCA Resource Handbook for Ministries.
Twelve years ago, Father Demetrius got a call from the chaplain at a nearby prison in Reading, PA, and learned that five Orthodox inmates needed his pastoral care. Since then, he and his parish have developed a ministry to incarcerated men and women, not only while they are in prison, but also during the critically important transition upon their release. Father Demetrius has been told that there is only one other Orthodox parish in the US in which the entire parish is involved. [If our readers are aware of others, please send information to Resource Handbook Editor, Arlene Kallaur: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).]
The Resource Handbook for Ministries, published since 1982, is an integral part of the work of the OCA Department of Christian Service and Humanitarian Aid. Questions and answers may be directed to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).