News Elsewhere: Fr. Hopko to speak at Chicago symposium, New site, OPF conference, ZOE for Life retreat [UPDATED]

CHICAGO, IL: Fr. Hopko to speak at 17th Synergy Symposium

Orthodox Christian Synergy, the Chicago-area Pan-Orthodox association, will host its 17th annual Symposium at Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Cicero, IL, on Saturday, October 15, 2011.  Archpriest Thomas Hopko will address the symposium theme, “Orthodoxy and Homosexuality.”

According to Michele Hagerman, Synergy President, “the scope of this symposium is a frank presentation about homosexuality as an issue of Orthodox faith and life facing the faithful.  The intention is to focus on how Orthodoxy understands the phenomena of homosexuality, how Orthodox Christians with same-sex attractions are to deal with their condition, and how Orthodox Christians, especially clergymen and family members, are to relate to Orthodox Christians and all people who are same-sex attracted, rather than focusing on related cultural, social, or legal issues.”

Father Thomas will offer two presentations: “Theological Vision: Orthodox Christian Faith and Human Sexuality” and “Spiritual Practice: Orthodox Christian Life and Homosexual Attraction and Behavior.”

Among Father Thomas’ books is Christian Faith and Same-Sex Attraction: Eastern Orthodox Reflections, published by Conciliar Press in 2006.

Registration fee, which includes continental breakfast and lunch, is $35.00 for individuals and $50.00 for couples until October 7.  High school and college students may register at the reduced rate of $20.00.

To register or to obtain additional information, visit Synergy’s web site at or send an e-mail to Ms. Hagerman at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

BOSTON, MA: launches new web site for the job seeker and employer

The Department of Internet Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Office of Vocation and Ministry of Hellenic College are pleased to announce the launch of the redesigned and updated web site  Developed to serve Christian and service-oriented industries, especially Orthodox agencies, schools, and ministries, the site is now enhanced with resume and job search features.  All job posting services for employers and job searching services for seekers are free.

With this major update, employers can create instant on-line applications and pre-screening questionnaires, manage potential applicants and job posting statistics, and utilize other enhanced tools.  Job seekers can post resumes, which are fully searchable by employers, and can be instantly updated on-line.

The site’s new classifieds feature provides networking capabilities with business-to-business directory-style advertising of products and services.  For $99.00 per year, independent contractors to general businesses can advertise their specific products and services on the site. provides any business photographer, iconographer, graphic designer, chanter, etc. with a searchable and targeted advertising opportunity on a local, regional, and national level.

Also new in this major update is a comprehensive “Employment Resources” section.  These resources include resume and cover letter writing, hiring and interview question tips, and real life stories from Orthodox Christians living their vocation as their unique and ongoing response to Christ’s call to love God and neighbor in a variety of professions.  In addition, there are sample job descriptions for specific positions, such as “Parish Youth Worker,” to help parishes enhance their ministries. has been servicing the Orthodox Christian community since 2005 with a forum for posting job opportunities in lay ministry positions in churches and Orthodox organizations.

MADISON, WI:  Forgiveness theme of annual OPF conference

The 2011 North American Conference of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship, “Forgiveness: Finding Wholeness Again,“ will be held at the Bishop O’Connor Pastoral Center, 702 South High Point Road, Madison, WI, Friday, September 16 through Sunday, September 18, 2011.

Keynote speaker is Robert D. Enright, Ph.D., professor of educational psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Enright is a founding member of the International Forgiveness Institute Inc. and author of four books, including “Forgiveness is a Choice.” He has appeared on “20/20” and “NBC Nightly News,” and his work has been featured in TIME, McCall’s Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, and the LA Times.

Other speakers include Priest George Morelli, Ph.D., chairman of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese’s Department of Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling Ministry; Priest John-Brian Paprock, pastor of Holy Transfiguration Antiochian Orthodox Church, Madison, and author of Neighbors, Strangers and Everyone Else; David Giffy, iconographer and member of Veterans for Peace; Erin Manian, who will speak on forgiveness and healing as it relates to the 1915 Armenian Genocide; and Judith Toy, author of Murder as a Call to Love.

“Forgiveness is a topic that has much to do with peace,” says OPF North America’s Alexander Patico. “Conflict between two individuals or two groups can cease, but often the seeds of future conflict are there, ready to germinate at the first opportunity.  Without forgiveness, we achieve only a surface calm, not a reconciliation that is the foundation of true peace.”

Fees are $90.00 for individual (includes registration and five meals, from Friday evening to mid-day Sunday), and $50.00 for Saturday only. All-inclusive fee for a couple is $150.00, or $80.00 for Saturday only.  Overnight accommodations at the Pastoral Center are available.

Registration deadline is Wednesday, September 7. More information is available by contacting .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Endorsed by the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, the Orthodox Peace Fellowship is an association of Orthodox Christians applying the principles of the Gospel to situations of division and conflict in the home, the parish, the community, the work place, and within and between nations.

PARMA, OH: ZOE for Life to sponsor retreat on sanctity of life, the body, and marriage

“Living in the Light” is the theme of a retreat to be sponsored by ZOE for Life at Holy Trinity Church, 6822 Broadview Road, Parma, OH on Saturday, October 22, 2011.

Presentations will be available for four age groups:  12-14 year olds, 15-18 year olds, 19-25 year olds, and over 25 years old.

Presenters include Fathers Jonathan Cholcher, Joseph McCartney, and Andrew Harmon; and Cindy George, Lydia Cherep Becker, Angie Giallourakis, Natalie Kapeluck-Nixon, and Leon Sheean.

To register contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 315-289-4298.  For more information, contact Daria Petrykowski at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address); 440-572-1871; or 216-218-8760.

Endorsed by the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, ZOE for Life is a non-profit Christ-centered support organization with three major goals: to help women in crisis pregnancy, to assist Orthodox Christian couples seeking to adopt, and to create an Orthodox Christian abstinence program to educate young people.