OCA Young Adult “Wonder” Blog begins fourth year of publication
This month, the Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministry marks the fourth year of publication of its on-line blog, “Wonder.” The latest edition can be accessed here.
The current issue revisits a theme explored in January 2012, offering a number of reflections on the question, “Why are you still here?” while exploring why adult members (and one teenager) have chosen to remain active in their faith from their childhood to the present time.
In the lead article, What Can Separate us from the Love of Christ, His Grace, Bishop Michael of New York reflects on his life’s journey and the Epistle to the Romans. Liz Korba, a high school student from Saint Mary Cathedral, Minneapolis, MN, recounts her struggles and joys growing in her life in Christ in It All Comes Down to Faith. In Look to the Bright Light, Father Peter Paproski relates the impact his grandmother made on his faith. Alexandra Morbey creatively shares her thoughts in Unabashedly Romantic, while Deacon Jason Ketz, “Wonder” editor, reflects on memory and liturgical remembrance in Here for the Memory.
Every month, “Wonder” provides thought-provoking articles for young adults, college students, and those who minister to them. In the coming year, readers can look forward to a complete redesign of the “Wonder” site, transforming it from a simple blog into a professional-level on-line journal.
The theme of the February issue is “The Gospel and the City” and will feature manuscripts of Orthodox sermons delivered at the recent Festival of Young Preachers. Other submissions on that theme are welcome. Articles must be received by February 10, 2013 for consideration.
Readers also are invited to submit articles, creative writing, artwork, poetry, photos, and videos for future editions. Suggested topics are always welcome, especially as we plan for the coming year. Send all materials and comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
To subscribe to “Wonder,” log on to ocawonder.com and click the “sign me up” link on the left side of the page.