PaTRAM Institute to host Summer Academy for Singers, Conductors June 19-24

The Patriarch Tikhon Russian American Music Institute [PaTRAM] will host its Summer Academy, which will offer a unique and all-encompassing instructional program for conductors and singers, on the campus of the Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ June 18-24, 2018.
The Summer Academy replaces PaTRAM gatherings that in past years were held over Memorial Day weekend at Saint Tikhon’s Monastery, South Canaan, PA and Labor Day weekend. Complete details on this year’s gathering, including information on registration, schedule and program, costs, and lodging, are available online.
The Academy will bring together the finest faculty in the liturgical choral arts, all in one place, who will offer instruction to all levels of Church musicians, whether they are conductors or singers. Singers will advance their vocal technique and health and expand their repertoire. Conductors will have a professional choir to serve as their practice instrument and will have extensive podium time. Both groups will have the opportunity to use their skills at two hierarchical services, on June 23 and 24, at Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in nearby Howell, NJ.
Dr. Peter Jermihov, Artistic Director of the PaTRAM Academy, senior faculty member of the PaTRAM Institute and an accomplished musician, conductor, teacher and recording artist, said, “Gaining skills is the key to improvement and this is what the Academy offers at every level of performance from the beginner to the advanced Church musician—singer and conductor.”
PaTRAM’s mission is to cultivate and promote the beauty and spiritual depth of liturgical arts in general and choral singing in particular, in both the English and Church Slavonic languages. PaTRAM seeks to utilize rigorous educational programs, distinctive performance events, and the latest technological tools to realize this mission. Headquartered in Tiburon, CA, PaTRAM is a non-profit 501-c3 organization in its third year of existence.
Further information may be obtained by sending a request to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or by calling 551-224-8657.