Planting Grant Missions: Ministry in the image of the saints

In December 2015, Archpriest Mikel Bock reported on the growth experienced at Saint Juvenaly and His Companion Mission here after the completion of the community’s new church building, which accommodates approximately 150 worshippers.
“This past June, after a year of waiting, we finally saw the arrival of our new icons for the iconostasis,” Father Mikel reports. “Ten principle icons were donated as part of the project’s first phase, and we are now accepting donations for our second phase of the iconostas project, which includes icons of the Annunciation for the Royal Doors, the Mystical Supper, the Trinity, the Holy Apostles, and the 12 Great Feasts.”

The mission’s new icons serve as a constant reminder to the faithful to minister to one another, even as the saints ministered and witnessed. As a result, the parish’s outreach ministries continue to expand.
“We sponsored a needy family over the Nativity season, ensuring that they had heating oil and food to get through the winter months,” said Father Mikel. “Our prison ministry, in which we offer classes in the faith, has been expanded to two days each week—on Tuesdays at the Goose Creek Prison and on Wednesdays at the Palmer Correctional Facility.”
With the help of neighboring parishes, Saint Juvenaly’s faithful were able to donate approximately 150 books to the Goose Creek’s new Chapel Library and 25 books to the Chapel Library at Palmer. “The prisoners in both facilities were extremely thankful for the donated books,” Father Mikel added.

In another sign of growth at Saint Juvenaly’s, Reader Timothy and Elizabeth Kolb and their children will be moving to Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, South Canaan, PA to begin classes in the fall.
“It is always tough to lose a family, and when you are in a mission it seems a little harder,” said Father Mikel. “The Kolbs will be missed at Saint Juvenaly’s, but it is good to be able to send those to seminary who are answering God’s calling.”
Follow the ongoing growth of Saint Juvenaly Mission on-line.