Prayers issued for 17th All-American Council, Election of Metropolitan

Prayers for the 17th All-American Council and the Election of the New Metropolitan of All American and Canada were issued by the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America here during the second week of September 2012.
These petitions have also been approved by the Holy Synod of Bishops and are to be included in the Litany of Fervent Supplication at all Divine Services, beginning immediately.
Furthermore we pray You, O Lord our Almighty and Eternal God, Source of all wisdom and understanding, be with us as we prepare to gather in Council so that in our striving to serve and glorify You, we may be enlightened with right judgment and good purpose to the building up of Your Holy Church and to Your eternal glory, we pray You, hear us and have mercy…
Again we pray You, O Lord our God, giver of every good gift, look with favor upon Your Church and bless and guide our minds and hearts, and grant us by the grace of Your All-holy Spirit an increase in faith and understanding, so that in vigilance, fasting and prayer we are prepared for the holy work of this Electoral Council, we pray You, hear us and have mercy…
Furthermore we pray You, O Lord our God, send down Your Holy Spirit upon us and guide our minds and hearts so that, inspired by Your gifts of discernment and understanding, we may know and do Your holy will in the election of a Metropolitan for our Holy Church in North America, we pray You, hear us and have mercy…
Again we pray You, O Lord our God, in Your holy and providential care for us, call forth for us a Metropolitan of wisdom, understanding, and sanctity to cooperate in working with the Holy Synod, the pastors and faithful of our Holy Church, so that together we may be that light on the lampstand and the salt of the earth working together in loving service to Christ our God and thus to one another, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.