Seminarians return from mission trip to Albania

Two students from Saint Tikhon’s Seminary here, Deacon Marty Watt and Kyle Housley, and three students from Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, NY, Priest Ignatius Warren, Deacon Timothy Yates, and Subdeacon Richard Ajalat, recently returned from a mission trip to Albania.

The trip was the final project of a class offered by the Missions Institute at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and Hellenic College, Brookline, MA, in which students from Saint Tikhon’s, Holy Cross, and Saint Vladimir’s participated.  Earlier in the year, Priest Luke Veronis, Executive Director of the Missions Institute, promoted the class, which generated a great deal of interest among the students.

A photo gallery of their trip may be found at

More information on their trip and the program can be found on the OCMC web site at