Small Parish Forum agenda announced; reduced hotel rate expires June 26

The agenda for the first Small Parish Forum, slated to be held at Christ the Savior Church here July 10-12, 2014, was announced recently by the forum’s organizing committee. [See related story.]
The agenda, which may be found on-line, lists the top speakers and subject matter experts and the themes for workshops for extensive discussion and opportunities to meet parish leaders facing similar challenges.
The gathering is being co-sponsored by the Orthodox Church in America’s Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania and the Diocese of the Midwest.
“Small Parishes can bring people to Christ in intimate and exciting ways often unavailable to larger parishes,” said Joseph Kormos, Forum co-chairperson and Parish Development Leader for the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh. “With Forum faculty members like Archpriests Daniel Rentel, Jonathan Proctor and John Reeves, the Forum offers 100 years of combined clergy experience in small parish ministry, Church growth, and ministry commitment in Orthodox parishes. And our lay faculty, which includes David Drillock, OCA Liturgical Music chair; Anne Marie Mecera, Orthodox leader and author; and others will offer subject matter expertise in areas of importance to small parishes.
“The Forum agenda will offer actionable, hard information, tips and good practices for building a Life in Christ in small parishes that will be valuable to clergy and lay leaders alike,” added Mr. Kormos, who also will offer presentations. “We’re working hard to deliver Orthopraxy at its best. The agenda provides a balance of short presentations, attendee small group discussions, case studies, workshops and attendee social interaction. Attendees have an exceptional chance to learn, share and grow.”
While the Forum has attracted registrants from Saskatchewan to Connecticut, space is still available for additional participants. On-line registration may be completed here. The Forum registration fee of $100.00 per attendee covers most meals, a reception, and all materials and resources. Attendees from the Diocese of the Midwest and the Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania are eligible for financial assistance from their respective Dioceses.
Mr. Kormos added that a reduced rate block of hotel rooms ($67.99 per night) is available at the Best Western, 4929 East Pike, I-70, Exit 16, Zanesville, OH 43701. However this rate expires on June 26 or whenever the block is filled. Attendees are urged to book their rooms now by calling the hotel directly at 740-453-6300 and requesting the “Orthodox Small Parish Forum” room rate.
For further information, please contact Mr. Kormos at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).