St. Tikhon’s Monastery anticipates the new year

The second half of 2014 has been a busy one for Archimandrite Sergius and the Brotherhood of Saint Tikhon’s Monastery here.
A July PATRAM choir workshop at the seminary was followed by a renovation of the monastery’s bell tower. The miraculous icon of Saint Anna enshrined at the monastery travelled extensively—literally from coast to coast and various points in between—throughout the year. In addition, it was honored at the annual Saint Anna’s Feastday celebration at the monastery in late July. The monastery also hosted a visit of the wonder-working Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God in October. September marked the one year anniversary of the food pantry sponsored by the Brotherhood in nearby Scranton.
Abbot Sergius, who was raised to the dignity of Archimandrite during the annual Pilgrimage weekend in May, travelled to Russia in July to represent the Orthodox Church in America. Additionally, he has offered retreats and lectures at numerous parishes throughout the country, a few of which are featured in the monastery’s web site Media section. Parishes interested in hosting a visit of the icon of Saint Anna or in having Archimandrite Sergius offer a presentation may write or call him via the monastery web site’s contact page.
A special section at the web site was introduced in 2014 to receive requests for Liturgy commemorations and services for specific needs. Names may be submitted on-line for a New Year’s Service of Thanksgiving which will be offered on January 1.
Events planned for 2015 include a bellringing workshop, ongoing assistance in the renovation of the OCA’s Wilkes-Barre parish, welcoming the myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon from Hawaii at the 2015 Memorial Day Pilgrimage, completion of a project to bottle and market the water beneath the monastery church, and other events at the monastery and throughout the country. Those interested may keep informed through the monastery’s web site as well as Facebook.