St. Vladimir’s Seminary seeks feedback for accreditation process

“Every ten years Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is visited by a team that decides whether to renew the seminary’s accreditation, and we are inviting all our constituents to participate in the process,” said Dr. Peter Bouteneff, faculty member at the Seminary and Director of Institutional Assessment.
Dr. Bouteneff explained that Saint Vladimir’s Seminary is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the US and Canada (ATS), and that the ATS would be making an on-site campus visit October 21–24, 2013, to interview students, alumni, faculty, staff, and trustees about the seminary, as part of the accreditation renewal process.
As another part of that process, the seminary has prepared an in-depth self-study that accounts for all dimensions of the school’s life and work and how the seminary measures its fidelity to its mission in the service of Christ and his Church.
“I have been writing and compiling our 130-page self-study—really a staff-wide effort—since last year, and it is an honest cross-section of the seminary’s life and work,” noted Dr. Bouteneff.
“Additionally,” he said, “all of the seminary’s constituents—including all students, supporters, alumni, and those being served by alumni clergy—are now invited to submit comments in writing concerning the school’s qualifications for accreditation, and these too will become part of the accreditation process.
“These comments will be shared among Saint Vladimir’s administration and made available to the ATS visiting team,” concluded Dr. Bouteneff.
Constituents may send their written comments to Dr. Peter Bouteneff, Director of Institutional Assessment, Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, 575 Scarsdale Road, Yonkers, NY 10707, or by e-mail to, by October 1, 2013.