STOTS to hold joint retreat for alumni, seminarians

The Alumni Association of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary here will hold a 24-hour retreat for alumni and current students September 1-2, 2016.
Featured speakers include Priest Andrew Stephen Damick [STOTS ‘07] and Archimandrite Sergius [STOTS ‘05], Abbot of Saint Tikhon’s Monastery. Participants in the full retreat will earn five continuing education credits.
“We hope that alumni will take advantage of this opportunity to earn some of their required continuing education credits, to recharge spiritually while spending time with the current seminarians,” said Priest Patrick Burns, Alumni Association President. “The alumni have sponsored a BBQ for seminarians around this time for many years, but holding a 24-hour retreat will provide everyone with an extended time to renew friendships and form closer bonds.”
Thursday’s seminar with Father Andrew will focus on practical ideas to foster leadership, healing, and change in parish communities, while Father Sergius will discuss spirituality and prayer in the context of busy ministries in a presentation on Friday. The retreat also will feature small group and panel discussions and worship in the monastery church.
“We hope this retreat, developed from a suggestion by our alumni, becomes a new tradition and helps foster deeper relationships among alumni and current seminarians,” said Archpriest Steven Voytovich, STOTS Dean.
There is no cost to attend the gathering. To register, please contact Teresa Vaux-Michel at 570-561-1818, ext. 101 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
A flyer featuring the retreat’s schedule and related information is available on-line.